Newsletter: Summer Lovin'


How is your summer unfolding? Many of us want to live in the light and feel good, while that’s understandable it can also create an attachment to happy. If we want to only feel “good vibes”, what happens to us when we feel sadness, grief, pain, and upset, “yucky vibes”.

Isn’t it simply a gauge to say something is out of balance? If we shut it down, then we shut off our ability to self care and self soothe. The social media platforms only show us half of the truth, real life is messy, bumpy and full of potholes. Nothing shows me my messiness and shadow like my intimate relationship. It reveals to me where I need to tidy up my inner house so I can create connection with understanding of all truths. We are works in progress and through our process we can remove what blocks us from our joy and reclaim our light.

Much has developed in my life since the last newsletter in January. I shared that I had met someone in Tulum and it was a magical exchange. I have been very busy these past 6 months, falling in love with a man who is now my husband! It has been a journey through so much love and light as well as shadow and struggle. Old wounds reared up and walking consciously toward them has brought a consciousness to my ability to love all of me & all of him. I learned many years ago that I need to explore and own my darkness to fully embrace my light.

Fear is natural when we are traveling into unchartered territory. Our feelings of vulnerability and self doubt can either stop us in our tracks or challenge us to look deeper into what we are afraid of. It requires that we get really honest with ourselves and hold our hearts with more tenderness and compassion. This is true love. We can’t have true love when TRUTH is dropped because it doesn’t feel good.

Disowning what we fear, is disowning a part of ourselves. How can we love ourselves and how can we let others love us? This has been a big lesson for me that needed some clean up. So instead of feeling good in love, can we welcome love in all its complexity and texture? Wishing you all a vibrant summer that unfolds with the love that is inherently yours.


The Processing Playground: How to Love Unconditionally


France Retreat: May 2019