my services

Your Path Home To Wholeness!

1:1 coaching     |   yoga classes  |   online courses
1:1 Coaching

Something about coaching here that explains your approach the best way.

Nullam tincidunt adipiscing enim. Praesent ac sem eget est egestas volutpat. Phasellus dolor. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Vestibulum eu odio.

Phasellus magna. Fusce pharetra convallis urna. Phasellus leo dolor, tempus non, auctor et, hendrerit quis, nisi. Vivamus aliquet elit ac nisl. Fusce risus nisl, viverra et, tempor et, pretium in, sapien.


Flow with me in London or Practice At home with livestream & pre-recorded classes.

With over 30 years of experience as a Master Yoga Teacher, Teacher Trainer, and Mentor…

Book your free 15-minute discovery call.


Want to learn more about coaching and how it could help you? Already doing the work and need some help to go deeper? Unsure where to start or whether my approach would be a good fit for you?

Click the button below to schedule a free consultation call with me. You’ll be under no obligation, as I truly believe that for coaching to be successful, it needs to be the right fit for both parties involved.

  • 20 +

    Years Teaching Experience

  • 15 +

    Years Coaching Experience

  • 500+

    Teachers & Clients Mentored

  • I’ve been working with Mia for over 7 years. What I love most about the work we do is unpacking the old hurt places, giving them a voice and releasing them from my body so that I can live more freely.

    What I’ve come to accept and understand throughout the years of working with her as a life coach is that LIFE IS MESSY! that’s just the way it is. And I’ve learned tools and techniques along the way that allow for me to love and embrace those messy places so that I’m not stuck. So that I can surrender and move forward, to love the truth first, myself second, and other third. Just seeing it that way takes a lot of pressure off

    Debt M

  • As a new yoga teacher trying to navigate the teaching world in London and beyond, speaking with Mia has been transformational. Every time I get off our call, I feel uplifted and inspired.

    Our conversations have given me so much more confidence in all aspects of my life; my relationships, my decision making and my yoga teaching. Mia has guided me to build a lot more self trust and introduced me to techniques and teachings that have been amazing tools to use in my day to day life. Mia is full of wisdom and so gentle to speak with, her coaching has given me a new perspective and self assurance.

    Gigi S

  • Mia Togo is a beautiful beacon for our times - in a world that is twisting and realigning, Mia's work on and off the mat is absolutely essential!

    I have been working with Mia for nearly 15 years, both in yoga and through private coaching. Our work has spanned all areas of my life from inhabiting my body to professional growth to my partnerships with my husband and children. She meets me with care and support, but also holds an honest mirror for me to see what I need to see. She has given me powerful tools to process my hurt, find and welcome my truth, and celebrate my growth. She has also demonstrated how to greet the constant changes in life, both large and small.

    Hanna B


Love and light is some bullshit, Truth and love is where it’s at.

  • Listening to our truth can often be upsetting, but when we are feeling stuck, it’s often the only way forward. The invisible wars we have inside our head shape the way we see our world and ourselves. Life coaching can help us shift our limiting beliefs so that we can take responsibility for our own struggles and get through to the other side.

  • With a strong focus on alignment and modifications, I generally teach Vinyasa and my classes are suitable for all student levels. After all, this is what yoga is all about. The sense of union, or non-separation with ourselves, with each other, and with all that is around us.

  • Under th umbrella of Home Of Wholeness (HOW) my online classes are a blend of all that being a yoga teacher and a life coach for so many years has taught me. These courses allow me to reach more people and should be thought of as a jumping off point for those interested in learning HOW to do the inner work.

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Public Speaking, Retreats, Workshops, & More.

Interested in booking me for a public speaking engagement or podcast? Have a studio space or retreat space that you’d like me to bring a workshop to? Or looking for an experienced teacher trainer? I’d love to hear from you!