February Newsletter: Feel Your Groove

I start and stop many times before I find my groove. I used to think that was resistance and now I see it as my process. The record needle landed on this and this is what I want to share with y'all. I am so damn grateful to have this community, thank you for being here.

I said something this week that resonated for many of my clients and students and I realized something so simple is revolutionary.  I said “I LOVE MY BODY” I don’t just mean physically, I love the energy of wisdom it carries because I have learned to be an ally with what it needs and feels. 
I could not have authentically said that years ago. I was at war with myself even though my outside looked put together. I needed to bust open that lie and learn how to get ugly. I had to go where I was told not to, to allow myself to be weird, raw, and expose what needed to heal. 

It was not pretty nor comfortable but it was the only way through. I was learning to feel what lived within, not judge it, partner and listen with curiosity. This is a bridge of empathy that helped me understand myself and distill the medicine for what hurt. Until I was ready to put down the pain I would pass it on like a baton and the cycle would continue.

This took years to reach, there was no formula, quick fix, it was a process of unlearning what I had been conditioned to believe before I had a conscious choice. It was as if my logic was running on one track and my emotions were moving on another. They were not in sync. They travel on different timelines and have a different language. That is why it is important to learn how to navigate feelings. They are like the red flags that are telling us to listen beyond the stories in our minds. 

It has been a journey to release the spin of old records rooted in fear. Rinsing these voices helps to untangle the energy of that loud critic. Under the booming voice is usually a scared child. Loving all the parts of ourselves that feel unlovable is reclaiming our fire, magic, and wisdom. 
Wherever you are with loving yourself, it is a practice not a race. There is a way through even when you cannot see it. 

We come into this world ready to receive love, we say Yes. Under the influence of fear based culture, we begin to shrink into a version that builds walls rather than bridges. None of this is wrong, it can feel safe to protect against harm. Sadly a part of us can close down and say No when love comes knocking at the door. 

This is a potent time to soften the walls and say Yes to the life you want. We can buy ourselves flowers and we can also receive them. Life wants to dance with the intimate flow that moves through us. 

My work as a Self-Mastery life coach helps folks soften their walls and love the inner child within. This Is where curiosity and wonder dwell. Reuniting with the life force that runs deep in the well of your being is courageous work. Not by beating the doors down but by listening to the heartbeat of your own drum. It is in this sweet space we find our groove and create the music of our unique sound track. I hope this next season sweetens and softens you into holding your heart with love. This is what we came for.


Guided Meditation: Feel Your Groove


January Newsletter: Strange Times