welcome to the home of wholeness blog
A space to share newsletters, events, podcasts, videos, guided meditations, online courses & coaching resources. Sign up for The Monthly Newsletter Below.
November Newsletter: Reclaiming The Woo
How are you doing and feeling? I have been sad at the state of my beloved country and also hopeful that what I cannot see now is taking shape to shift us toward deeper connection. Change on a systemic level is messy, and painful, and takes patience to recreate something new.
July Newsletter: Zoned Out
Hope you are all enjoying your summer. I just returned from Sardinia – my third time back – and yes, it is a charm. As a blue zone, Sardinia boasts a lifestyle that’s sweet and simple. Blue zones are where people live the longest and most fulfilling lives.
June Newsletter: Summer Softeness
There is a lot of energy swirling around in the world that impacts us, in big and small ways. It is important to participate in an expanding world and also soothe our inner world.
May Newsletter: The Swirl of Spring
It has been a long winter and a slooowwww start to Spring here in London. Finally, the sun is shining and the gloomy stew has shifted into a swirl of delights. The birds singing, the sun beaming joyfully, the scent of flowers filling the air.
March Newsletter: Embracing the Elements
Spring is here, its gentle return is dotted throughout London with Pink magnolia blooms. There is a feeling of opening the windows and receiving a fresh breeze of sweetness.
February Newsletter: Feel Your Groove
I start and stop many times before I find my groove. I used to think that was resistance and now I see it as my process. The record needle landed on this and this is what I want to share with y'all. I am so damn grateful to have this community, thank you for being here.
January Newsletter: Strange Times
When you look around at all that is going on in the world today, it can be confronting, challenging, and heartbreaking, which is why we must have resources that allow us to keep joy and hope alive.
Newsletter: Tis the Season
Tis the season to be merry and bright. It is also the season that can bring to light difficult thoughts and feelings about life. The days are short and the nights longer in the northern hemisphere, it is a time of turning inward.
Newsletter: Alchemy, Authenticity, and Agency
The change in the air at the beginning of September – after Labor Day in the US and the Bank Holiday here in the UK – that accompanies the falling leaves and the cooling temperatures. Fall always gets me thinking about the changing nature of living on this planet and I love the reminder to shed, to harvest, to alchemize the past, and to be present with how we have grown.
Blog Post: Potters Wheel
I shut down learning ceramics because I got caught up in the spin of self beat. I didn’t like feeling vulnerable and doing something badly. Somewhere along the way that meant I was unworthy, I needed to be good to be accepted and loveable, that narrative was already strong.
Newsletter: Trusting The Fall
It has been a while. How are you all doing? My heart has been feeling tender and some days life feels overwhelming. It seems many of us are feeling the big shifts as we ride some choppy, uncertain waters and sometimes feeling lost at sea.
Newsletter: Weaving a New Reality
It has been a year since we found out from the W.H.O. that we were in a global pandemic. Do you remember where you were, what thoughts and feelings surfaced, and what voices came up?
Newsletter: Dream Big
I know many of you are ready to say goodbye to 2020. It has been difficult, turbulent, chaotic and has activated so much. This year has been a roller coaster of emotions, some in fear and some in faith, definitely stirring up where we are long overdue for change on a deep core level. I also hold in my heart with empathy how painful and difficult 2020 has been, the loss of loved ones, jobs, our routines that ground us, and the familiar fabric that has held us together.
Newsletter: Falling Forward
Life as we know it has been falling apart, and with it, so many things we have relied on. These are some hard and intense times as we are being tumbled in the uncertainty of it all. September has the feel of shifting gears, going back to school, changing seasons, and clearing a space for new beginnings. With All the change we have been experiencing, and no clear direction, it is easy to get stuck in hopelessness and fear for the future
Newsletter: Showing Up
Some days I feel like I am in the flow and other days I feel like I have been wiped out by a tsunami. Life as we know it has shifted and a lot of shit has come up. What is showing up?
Newsletter: Adjust Your Frequency
I have been moving through so many big feelings and adjusting daily to the new reality that keeps unfolding. Talking with my dad, I felt a wave of sadness because I miss him and it’s amplified by not knowing when I will see him again.
courage to hear your call
identify what is calling to you And start Living in alignment with your gifts and brilliance.
The Courage to Hear Your Call is a, go-at-your-own-pace, online course that you can do from anywhere. I recommend spacing it out over 7 weeks or more to allow yourself plenty of time to process and digest each of the lessons.
This course will help you identify and understand what is holding you back from pursuing your dreams and will teach you HOW to escape the trance of unworthiness and work through any roadblocks that may be holding you back.