Newsletter: Dream Big


I hope you are all safe and healthy... 

I know many of you are ready to say goodbye to 2020. It has been difficult, turbulent, chaotic and has activated so much. This year has been a roller coaster of emotions, some in fear and some in faith, definitely stirring up where we are long overdue for change on a deep core level. I also hold in my heart with empathy how painful and difficult 2020 has been, the loss of loved ones, jobs, our routines that ground us, and the familiar fabric that has held us together. I don’t want to minimize this time or sugar coat a silver lining mentality, because we are all going through this shift in different ways. One thing for sure it has rocked our world and torn open the fabric of reality as we know it. I do feel we are reweaving a reality that holds us with less separation and more inclusion. 

I am writing this on the Winter solstice here in the UK. It is dark and the trees are stripped bare. I go back to an understanding that catalyzed my journey years ago, the only way to the other side is through. That has sucked sometimes because it can be so uncomfortable. It has an extra feeling of tenderness this year because so much has been stripped away. Being a California native, I love the sun and the light and I also understand that the darkness is where we look inward to our unconscious patterns and heal what holds us in the grip of old wounds and come back to wholeness. When I began my journey decades ago, I was struggling to know why I felt so unworthy even though there was plenty of evidence that supported I was doing fine. It didn’t matter because my belief systems were programmed and wired long before I had a conscious choice. To dismantle and change this was beyond talking or thinking, it was a deep dive into what I was creating from what I knew. 

We all see the world through our own lens, how can we not? It takes courage to challenge what we have held true that may be rooted in fear. Love is something we all want and need and yet much of the human love has been twisted with shame, guilt, fear, codependency, power struggles. That’s why a lot can be done in the name of the love that is not love. Untangling this at a systemic level asks us to look at our roots, and this is a portal to unpack and understand our bonding patterns to break the bondage of power struggles. 
This year has been a time of unraveling a reality that has been built on lies, exposing where they live in the collective and asking us to have an honest look at where we need to change and reweave a reality that is inclusive, equitable, and just. So much has been activated to wake us up from our collective trance, change like this is not easy because it pulls at the threads that have held our identity, belief systems,and assumptions about the world. The gift is we transform, evolve, and create something new. 

What is essential to bring forward and what needs releasing through this transformational year is a personal journey. How we move forward individually impacts the collective. How we hold ourselves and each other is being rewired. The way we spend the holidays this year is different and many of us will find it hard not being with loved ones. Me included.  So let’s reach beyond fear and reach out to each other in new and creative ways. bringing forward the gift of this season, presence and compassion. 

We are shifting seasons and this return to the light of spring happens slowly, may we take the time in the dead of winter to keep releasing what 2020 activated to die off. We can’t change other people and we can’t change the past. We can change ourselves and our relationship with past patterning. I feel like 2020 held up a mirror to see and understand some buried wounds with new eyes. This is the age of new beginnings, and with every beginning, there is an ending. Honoring endings allows us to shed and lighten our life to hold what is essential as we step forward into a new reality. Time doesn’t heal everything, but it can suppress everything. This is the time to heal ourselves and hold the vision of a world where pain is not recycled, it is metabolized so it can be fertile ground to grow something new. It starts with us, it always has, we are the ones we have been waiting for. 

We create from what we know, Let’s go beyond what we know and envision a world that reflects the beauty we each hold within us.

Dream big and see you on the other side.

Much love,


Newsletter: The Energy of the Time


Newsletter: Patience Is The Gift