May Newsletter: The Swirl of Spring


It has been a long winter and a slooowwww start to Spring here in London. Finally, the sun is shining and the gloomy stew has shifted into a swirl of delights. The birds singing, the sun beaming joyfully, the scent of flowers filling the air. I love this time AND I have also learned to love the gloom beforehand because it inspires me to find the beauty in the shadow and light. 

I get asked this question a lot: What is shadow work? It is bringing an unhealthy pattern that's on repeat into our conscious awareness. These patterns are wired when we are young and they are tangled in how we see ourselves and others. We can change relationships, but the energy of the pattern remains.

We cannot let go in the mind what the body needs to feel. Our bonding patterns develop as we do and get reinforced by the way we respond to fear. Rewiring our fear responses to pain allows space to choose differently. This takes patience. Feeling and somatic work is a journey and also a beautiful discovery of reclaiming agency. It takes commitment. As the lessons get integrated, new pathways emerge. 

Often our minds judge, project, and personalize our pain onto others. There is a temporary relief of the hurt but it doesn't get heard within. The healing happens through the processing of the pain, integrating the wisdom in an embodied way. We have to hear the call into our shadow and walk with it, not avoid or abandon it. 

Think of the palette of colors an artist paints with, there are many and some get mixed and mingled to elicit a feeling, some are beautiful and some can be confronting, yet it all gets us to feel something. The swirl of your own life is a mix of life's experiences that have created the mosaic that is you. 

What is this springtime awakening within you that is calling you deeper into the masterpiece that you are? Contrary to conditioning, we want to go where we are told not to. We have to disrupt the status quo within to change and upgrade our lives. 

We need to have some magical thinking to imagine something more beautiful than the delusion of past imprints, to see beyond the binary, seed new creations, and blossom into the swirl of our own path. 

Change is in the air always and in all ways – nature keeps reminding us of this. I hope this Spring keeps you aligned with your inner garden so you continue to follow the way of your creative inner compass. Every story you hold holds a key to unlocking what needs to move through you. It is in this Swirl that the mosaic of your own life can lead you home to the sweet vessel of who you are. 

If you need help or support on your path emerging, please click here for more information about my coaching or click here to get in touch.

Also, I will be offering a special Zoom yoga class on Sunday, May 26th at 9:00 am PDT/ 12:00 pm EST/ 5:00 pm BST. A Sunday Soul Flow to support your Swirl. Click the button below to sign up.

Let your truth light the way to how you love.




June Newsletter: Summer Softeness


March Newsletter: Embracing the Elements